To all ABTAM members,
The Certification Board is looking to meet in the next month and will be reviewing applications for certification & recertification.
Are you looking to upgrade your certification? You’re not alone. Here’s how you do it.
If you are a Student Members:
Once you have graduated from RRC Polytech or another recognized post secondary institute, you are eligible for our General Member. Apply today! Fill out the application and send it abtam.info@gmail.com You can find an application by clicking this link: https://www.abtam.ca/membership
If you are a General Members:
If you have:
Graduated from a recognized secondary institute
And you have 2 years of recognized experience
You are eligible to apply for Certified Architectural Technician or Certified Building Design Technician. Apply today! Fill out the application and send it abtam.info@gmail.com. See By-Law 2 for additional information.
If you are a Certified Architectural Technician or Building Design Technician:
If you have:
At least 5 years of recognized experience
And you have completed
1 additional post-secondary course relating to architectural or building technology (ie. CADD-1004 BIM Fundamentals at RRC, link https://catalogue.rrc.ca/Programs/WPG/Parttime/CADDP-NA/CoursesAndDescriptions/CADD-1004)
2 instructional seminars of a minimum of 6 hour duration by an approved organization (ie. WCA Building Code: Means of Egress NBCC 2020, link https://winnipegconstructionassociation.arlo.co/w/courses/86-building-code-means-of-egress-exits-and-access-to-exits/405
You are eligible to apply for Certified Architectural Technologist or Certified Building Design Technologist respectively. Apply today! Fill out the application and send it abtam.info@gmail.com. See following link to By-Law 2 for additional information.
If you are a Certified Architectural Technician/Technologist or Building Design Technician/Technologist:
If you have:
At least 10 years of recognized experience
And you have completed:
3 additional post-secondary course relating to architectural or building technology (ie. CADD-1004 BIM Fundamentals at RRC, link https://catalogue.rrc.ca/Programs/WPG/Parttime/CADDP-NA/CoursesAndDescriptions/CADD-1004)
6 instructional seminars of a minimum of 6 hour duration by an approved organization (ie. WCA Building Code: Means of Egress NBCC 2020, link https://winnipegconstructionassociation.arlo.co/w/courses/86-building-code-means-of-egress-exits-and-access-to-exits/405
You are eligible to apply for Certified Senior Architectural Technologist or Certified Senior Building Design Technologist respectively. Apply today!
Fill out the application and send it abtam.info@gmail.com.